Centre de service

Volante est une entreprise orientée vers le service qui offre un soutien et des moyens / compétences qui vont bien au-delà de la politique de souscription.

Gestion des sinistres

Nous fournissons un service de gestion des sinistres simple et fiables dans tous les pays et pour tous les produits. C’est un élément essentiel de notre engagement à fournir une solution globale à nos clients


L’utilisation des dernières technologies en matière de sinistres et la combinaison des expertises interne et externe en matière de gestion des sinistres garantissent une réponse diligente, efficace et rapide à toutes les situations de sinistres. Les spécialistes du secteur de gestion des sinistres permettent à Volante de faire face aux scénarios de sinistres les plus complexes.

La gestion des sinistres est intégrée dans la plate-forme technologique de Volante. Ainsi, nos équipes chargées des sinistres ont un accès immédiat à toutes les informations nécessaires des polices et à toutes les données sur les risques, ce qui leur permet de réagir immédiatement à toute évolution d’un dossier sinistre.

En outre, notre système de gestion des sinistres offre aux clients, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 et 365 jours par an, un accès en ligne à toutes les informations de leur(s) dossier(s) et leur permet de générer des rapports de sinistres complets et personnalisés.

Gestion des risques

Nous nous engageons à travailler avec nos clients pour réduire leurs niveaux d’exposition en les aidant à développer et à intégrer des mécanismes et des procédures efficaces de prévention et de contrôle des risques dans leurs organisations.

Nos spécialistes du risque travaillent en collaboration avec les entreprises pour élaborer des stratégies de gestion du risque sur mesure, adaptées à leur exposition. Ces programmes vont de l’élaboration de documents de statégie et de la réalisation d’évaluations détaillées à la mise en œuvre de mesures de contrôle renforcées et à l’organisation de formations sur site pour améliorer la sensibilisation aux risques.

En proposant des services de gestion des risques de grande envergure, assurés par des experts du marché, nous sommes en mesure d’offrir le service complet que nos clients exigent.

Développement de produits couvrant les risques émergents

Chez Volante, nous sommes toujours tournés vers l’avenir, scrutant l’horizon de la réassurance à la recherche de risques émergents ou d’expositions en évolution.

En ajoutant à notre expertise en matière de souscription les dernières technologies axées sur les données, nous sommes toujours prêts à répondre aux évolutions rapides des besoins de nos clients. Nos équipes de développement de produits veillent à ce que nous suivions le rythme des multiples avancées et développements qui changent considérablement le profil de risque de chaque secteur industriel.

Notre approche innovante et nos capacités de distribution rapide nous permettent également de réduire considérablement le délai entre l’évolution du produit et l’émssion de contrats correspondants. Cela nous donne la réactivité que nos apporteurs de capacités exigent et nous permet de rester à la pointe de l’innovation du marché.



Aesir Space is a London-based specialist space insurance MGA covering a broad range of risks in the most flexible packages built on technical underwriting foundations.

Aesir Space is a London-based specialist space insurance MGA covering a broad range of risks in the most flexible packages built on technical underwriting foundations.

Affinity Solutions is a UK-focused MGA that provides a broad range of insurance products for the amateur sports, leisure and entertainment sectors.

Affinity Solutions is a UK-focused MGA that provides a broad range of insurance products for the amateur sports, leisure and entertainment sectors.

Volante Underwriting Sweden AB underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s Europe wholly focused on the Nordic region providing a broad range of Liability, Financial Lines, All Risk Property and Commercial Combined insurance solutions.

Volante Underwriting Sweden AB underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s Europe wholly focused on the Nordic region providing a broad range of Liability, Financial Lines, All Risk Property and Commercial Combined insurance solutions.

Edison Motor is a London Market-based syndicate 1699 providing full-service insurance coverage, claims management and risk control support across multiple specialist sectors of the UK commercial motor insurance sector.

Edison Motor is a London Market-based MGA providing full-service insurance coverage, claims management and risk control support across multiple specialist sectors of the UK commercial motor insurance sector.

Edison Motor is a London Market-based syndicate 1699 providing full-service insurance coverage, claims management and risk control support across multiple specialist sectors of the UK commercial motor insurance sector.

Imara offers a range of treaty and facultative reinsurance products across multiple lines of business, focusing exclusively in Emerging Markets starting with Africa.

Imara offers a range of treaty and facultative reinsurance products across multiple lines of business, focusing exclusively in Emerging Markets starting with Africa.

A London and Berlin based team providing a wide range of financial and professional lines insurance products for companies on a global basis, offering comprehensive cover across all these business-critical lines.

Volante Financial Institutions provides robust coverage across a broad range of financial institutions. These range from mortgage and community banks, mutual funds and wealth management firms, to alternative lenders, crowd-funding platforms and collection agents.

Volante Financial Institutions provides robust coverage across a broad range of financial institutions. These range from mortgage and community banks, mutual funds and wealth management firms, to alternative lenders, crowd-funding platforms and collection agents.

Offers comprehensive Directors’ & Officers’ liability insurance cover to companies across multiple industry sectors.

Offers comprehensive Directors’ & Officers’ liability insurance cover to companies across multiple industry sectors.

Based in the City and Manchester, Volante Financial and Professional Lines offers professional indemnity (PI) solutions internationally, both on a direct and facultative reinsurance basis. Each policy is secured by A rated capacity provided by market-leading carriers.

Based in the City and Manchester, Volante Financial and Professional Lines offers professional indemnity (PI) solutions internationally, both on a direct and facultative reinsurance basis. Each policy is secured by A rated capacity provided by market-leading carriers.

Volante International Motor underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s Europe for EEA risks and Lloyd’s for non-EEA risks, offering high-performance cover for specialist motor schemes and affinity groups plus largescale ‘one-off’ risks in the international market.

Volante International Motor underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s Europe for EEA risks and Lloyd’s for non-EEA risks, offering high-performance cover for specialist motor schemes and affinity groups plus largescale ‘one-off’ risks in the international market.

Volante Canada underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s, offering a wide range of products spanning the property, casualty and auto lines of business.

Volante Canada underwrites on behalf of Lloyd’s, offering a wide range of products spanning the property, casualty and auto lines of business.

Volante France offers a broad range of commercial insurance solutions. Our innovative approach creates value for our corporate customers while minimising costs.

Volante France offers a broad range of commercial insurance solutions. Our innovative approach creates value for our corporate customers while minimising costs.

We specialise in delivering corporate and consumer (re)insurance solutions to the Middle East, Turkey, and selected territories worldwide.

We specialise in delivering corporate and consumer (re)insurance solutions to the Middle East, Turkey, and selected territories worldwide.

Volante Transaction Services (VTS) is a dedicated global team of mergers and acquisitions professionals who deliver in-market swift and certain transaction liability insurance solutions.

Volante Transaction Services (VTS) is a dedicated global team of mergers and acquisitions professionals who deliver in-market swift and certain transaction liability insurance solutions.

Our Nordic team represent 100+ years of insurance market expertise with experience from underwriting, distribution, risk engineering and claims handling. A highly qualified team backed by strong capacity providers and top class infrastructure.

Our Nordic team represent 100+ years of insurance market expertise with experience from underwriting, distribution, risk engineering and claims handling. A highly qualified team backed by strong capacity providers and top class infrastructure.

Volante Nashville offers a new program underwritten in the USA with a broad portfolio of financial institution and management liability products. Coverage targets SME private and not-for-profit companies, banks, mortgage banks, brokers and various types of private lenders.

Volante Nashville offers a new program underwritten in the USA with a broad portfolio of financial institution and management liability products. Coverage targets SME private and not-for-profit companies, banks, mortgage banks, brokers and various types of private lenders.

Volante Nashville offers a new program underwritten in the USA with a broad portfolio of financial institution and management liability products. Coverage targets SME private and not-for-profit companies, banks, mortgage banks, brokers and various types of private lenders.